Dinner and a show!

The Elizabeth Sugden Broughton Community Building is all set up and ready to host a large group for a dinner catered by Marietta College Dining Services followed by a presentation on the big screen!     

Presentation/Entertainment System

A few final touches are made to fine-tune the audio quality of the state-of-the-technology audio/visual system in the Elizabeth Sugden Broughton Community Building. The system is configured to provide clear audio and video to virtually everyone seated in the large...

Copperhead Awareness 2

Supporters and managers of the Broughton Nature and WILDLIFE EDUCATION Area say Thank You! to Janelle Patterson and The Marietta Times for today’s piece, “ODNR: Watch out for copperheads.” GWB was quoted in the article: “I’ve lived on this farm all...

Copperheads Active — Use Caution

We have confirmation of a copperhead bite on the Blue Trail near the intersection of the White Trail. This is the time of year that copperheads eggs hatch. Please wear high hiking boots and be cautious of your surroundings. According to the Ohio Department of Natural...