About The Elizabeth Sugden Broughton Community

Construction of the Elizabeth Sugden Broughton Community Building began in late Fall of 2018 by a team comprised of crews from Morton Buildings, local engineers, contractors, and advisors. It was completed in summer of 2019 and dedicated for community use by the Brougthon Family on October 4, 2019.
Several suppliers, contractors, groups, Foundation associates, and community members also helped make the Community Building a reality through their generous support of the Foundation.
The building and surrounding grounds have become popular venues for personal, social, business, social, and community events year-round.
Rental fees and gifts to the Foundations are used entirely for the maintenance and further development of Foundations assets for use by the community.
The Elizabeth Sugden Broughton Community Building is located at the main entrance, just across from the pavilion, in the activity center of the Broughton Nature and Wildlife Education Area.
Contact us anytime to ask about reserving the Community Building.