Mountwood Restoration Workday: Sat. 9 AM-Noon

Dear Friends of the Broughton Nature Preserve,
Our friends at Mountwood Park are having their monthly restoration workday this Saturday from 9-Noon. Meet in the Marina Parking Lot.
If you have not been to Mountwood, it is a beautiful county park just east of Parkersburg. We are removing invasive shrubs from along the trails–mostly Autumn Olive.
We will provide tools, snacks and good company.
For more info, contact: Reinhard 304.483.1554
Mark Krivchenia
Broughton Nature Preserve, Steward
Friends of the Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge, President
Society of Ecological Restoration, Midwest Great Lakes Chapter, Chapter President
“Be joyful though you have considered all of the facts” (Wendell Berry)