ER Workday Sat, Nov 2, 9-Noon; Broughton Nature Preserve
Dear Friends of the Broughton Nature Preserve,
This Saturday we will be having a restoration workday where we sow native seeds on a hillside near the electric power right of way above the GWB Complex #3. We may also be collecting some seeds and/or removing invasive plants. An action packed morning!
Come prepared to work outside: good shoes or boots, long pants, and shirt. We will provide tools, gloves, water and snacks.
(If you have an extra rake, please bring it!.)
We will meet on top of the hill above the GWB Complex #3. (See detailed directions below.)
If you have any questions or get lost, just give me a call!
Mark Krivchenia 224.545.1604
Directions to GWB Complex #3:
1. Enter the GWB Complex #3 off State Route 821. It is the complex nearest the entrance/exit off Interstate 77. You have to drive past Complex#1 and Complex #2.
2. Go up the hill to the first set of buildings. Turn left.
3. Proceed all the way to the end of these buildings. Before you head down to the pond, turn right, and go all the way up the hill. The road will take you past all of the buildings. The road up the hill is a gravel road.
4. Parking is on top of this hill.
Mark Krivchenia
Broughton Nature Preserve, Steward
Friends of the Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge, President
Society of Ecological Restoration, Midwest Great Lakes Chapter, Chapter President
“Be joyful though you have considered all of the facts” (Wendell Berry)
Thanks to this group from Marietta College, seeds from nearly a dozen native plants were collected! These seeds will be planted in areas from which invasive plants have been removed to restore those areas to their natural state.
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