Broughton Nature Preserve Restoration Workday: Sun, 2-5 PM

Mountwood Workday: Sat, 9-Noon

We will be doing brush clearing and brush pile burning this Sunday along the Blue Trail–2PM to 5PM.  
Meet at the GWB Complex #1 (see directions below) at 2PM.  We will walk out to the site along the Blue Trail.
We will provide tools, gloves, hot chocolate and good company.  I guarantee to keep everyone warm!
Directions to GWB Complex #1:
 1.        Enter the GWB Complex #1 off State Route 821.  This is the complex nearest Marietta, just off Route 60. 
2.       Drive into the Complex and head left towards the Community Building.
3.       Once you cross the creek, turn right and go as far down as possible.  Park near the YMCA’s furthest building.
4.       We meet at the trailhead of the Blue Trail.  
Mountwood Park:  Saturday, 9AM to Noon.
Our friends at Mountwood Park will be planting native seeds in areas we have cleared over the past summer and fall.  Here are the details!:
Where: Meet in the Mountwood Park marina parking lot.
● We will be planting seeds in all the areas we’ve cleared along the Tait trail these past several months. 
● No previous experience is necessary! We will provide tools and snacks for the workday. 
● Dress for working outdoors in the woods: good work shoes, long pants, and long-sleeved shirts! Rain/snow or shine.
For more information contact: Reinhard 304-483-1554.
Have a great weekend.  Come enjoy it surrounded by Nature in its winter glory!
Mark Krivchenia
Broughton Nature Preserve, Steward
Friends of the Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge, President
Society of Ecological Restoration, Midwest Great Lakes Chapter, Chapter President
“Be joyful though you have considered all of the facts” (Wendell Berry)